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Holding Kentucky Students to Rigorous Learning Goals Is the Right Formula to Close Achievement Gaps


Kentucky’s latest ACT results are evidence the state’s Common Core-aligned standards have exacerbated achievement gaps, argues Richard Innes of the Bluegrass Institute.

“Kentucky’s largest minority student group experienced a slight achievement gap decay during the past three years,” Innes writes on the Bluegrass Institute’s blog. “If Common Core is supposed to improve performance for minorities, as of 2016 it has not shown up in Kentucky’s ACT results.”

Kentucky’s persistent achievement gap is an issue state education leaders have taken seriously and continue to address. Earlier this year, Kentucky Superintendent Stephen Pruitt identified achievement, equity and integrity as the three pillars of the state’s education framework:

“Ensuring all students achieve at high levels has been an earmark for Kentucky for years… In short, all students achieving at high levels is not just a nice tag line, it is a reachable goal with a big payoff for our students and Kentucky.”

As Pruitt and other experts (both in and outside of Kentucky) point out, many factors contribute to performance disparities, and the ACT assessment is only one measure of student performance. However, Innes attributes the gap solely to the state’s Common Core-aligned education standards—which is a mistake.

Kentucky was the first state to adopt higher education standards through the Common Core, and over the past six years, the state has achieved big academic improvements. In 2015, Kentucky’s then-Education Commissioner Terry Holliday noted improvements in college-readiness and proficiency rates “show without a doubt that we are making progress.”

It’s important to note the ACT results provide only a singular snapshot of academic performance, and, in fact, over the past several years Kentucky students have made notable improvements across all demographics. Over the four-year period from 2012-2015, African American fifth-graders saw an 11-percent increase on state assessments, for example.

The latest ACT results should reinforce Kentucky policymakers’ commitment to high education, not signal a retreat, as Innes suggests. Writing on the achievement gap, the Prichard Committee calls on state leaders to “set high expectations for each student” and to invest in strategies that ensure “each student engages in challenging work that aligns to the state’s standards.”

The Prichard Committee analysis adds that Kentucky should continue with education standards comparable to other states rather than “setting its own, lower benchmarks that fail to set expectations for students at an adequate level relative to their peers in other states.”

Minority communities remain strongly supportive of high standards and high-quality assessments. National Urban League president Marc Morial wrote previously that high academic expectations, like Kentucky’s, “will not address every concern about our education system, but equitable implementation will help pave the way to ensuring that all children have a fair shot at a high-quality education.”

Overwhelmingly, states that have made a commitment to rigorous standards and meaningful assessments are seeing gains in student performance. “Although it’s too early to plant a flag, initial results indicate…the original promise of the Common Core is working,” Jim Cowen wrote this month.

To ensure all students have access to an education that fully prepares them for the challenges of college or a career, Kentucky leaders should continue to support rigorous, comparable education standards. To turn back would only create disruption and undo the groundwork Kentucky is laying.

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At our core, we believe leaders at all levels have a role to play in ensuring success for K-12 students. From ensuring schools and teachers are equipped with the best materials to spotlighting the innovative and bold ways federal recovery dollars are being used to drive needed changes, the Collaborative for Student Success aims to inform and amplify policies making a difference for students and families.

To recover from the most disruptive event in the history of American public schools, states and districts are leveraging unprecedented resources to make sure classrooms are safe for learning, providing students and teachers with the high-quality instructional materials they deserve, and are rethinking how best to measure learning so supports are targeted where they’re needed most. 

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